Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Thank You!!!

Thank You!!!, 11"x8.5", crayon on Winsor & Newton 65-lb paper

I drew this interpretation seven years ago of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, after feeling so grateful and happy about some events that happened in my personal life. In hindsight, I realized that at each moment I was in most need of help, I always called upon His name. And even during those times when my limited mind was wont to conclude that He didn’t heed my prayers my own way, I always believed in Him. Why? Because through Him (Jesus Christ), I understood my own personal belief in God. To some, the concept of God as real is difficult to fathom and even more complicated to explain. But to me, it is as real as you and me! When someone asks me who my God is, I answer that my God is the Father of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! That is how I came to understand the existence of God– because Jesus Christ Himself is real!
And this Thanksgiving Day, I offer once more my praise, worship and gratitude to God for all the blessings that my family and I received and for all the trials that we overcame through the grace and saving power of His Son, Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, 11"x8.5", acrylic and crayon on Winsor & Newton 65-lb paper

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

So happy! Barack wins U.S. presidency!

Barack Obama wins US presidency

picture courtesy of the Chicago Tribune. Click for more photos of that historic night!

I’m so happy that Barack Obama won the presidency! And in a very convincing manner! History has been made indeed! As the first African-American (and the 44th) president of the United States of America, he defied practically all odds! It is truly a very exciting time for this country! What matters now is no longer the color of our skin but the call of our conscience. Now the road to recovery has begun for all Americans and I am very confident that President Barack Obama will lead the way to a better change. GOD Bless him and the United States of America!Barack Obama’s victory speech video in Chicago on election night, part 1 of 2Barack Obama’s victory speech video in Chicago on election night, part 2 of 2

Click on this link to read the full text of Barack Obama’s victory speech.